We are committed to respecting your privacy.
This statement applies with respect to information we collect from this web site.
Below is information regarding the commitment of TENMEIDO Inc. to protect the personal data of its members.

The term "personal data" includes any information that enable you to be identified,
such as your name, physical address, e-mail address and phone number.

Disclosure of Personal Data

Unless we tell you otherwise, we do not sell or rent your personal data to any third parties.
When involved in a joint marketing partnership, TENMEIDO Inc. may share information
which you have submitted to us with the partner company which is subject to applicable non-disclosure obligations.

Security of Your Data

TENMEIDO Inc. takes all commercially reasonable precautions to adequately prevent others from freely accessingthe information you provide or that we compile.
As you are no doubt aware, however, despite these precautions, zealous hackers may wrongfully gain access to this information.
Although such unauthorized access is unlikely, we feel obligated to inform you of the risk and advise you that TENMEIDO not liable for any damages caused by such unauthorized access.

Copyright (C) 2006 TENMEIDO All Rights Reserved

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